Daily Thankful Theme: Thank you, God, for my family
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Memory: "In everything, give thanks" (1 Thess. 5:18)
Prayer: "Thank you, God, for giving me Daddy, Mommy, and Sister"
Song: "If You're Thankful and You Know It" and "Give Thanks, with a Grateful Heart"
Craft: Stamping "T's"
Thankful Activity: add "Family" leaf to Thankfulness Tree
Evan prayed, "Open our eyes that we may see the truth in your word" to get us started. I then read aloud the passage in Deuteronomy. The reason I chose this passage was to show why God gave us families. We as parents have a high calling to raise our children in awareness and knowledge of God and His word. And that is the truth I wanted Evan to walk away with; we (his Daddy and Mama) are God's gift to Evan to teach him Truth.
Since Daddy was here, Evan showed off his "singing" abilities with a rousing rendition of "If You're Thankful and You Know It" and "The B-I-B-L-E". I don't think he has a future as a singer...yet.
Then, we transitioned into more prayer time. We prayed aloud for each member of the family, as well as gave thanks for our family.
Supplies: Our supplies today were a piece of construction paper, a stamp pad in a color that could be seen on the paper, the letter "T" stamp, a leaf out of construction paper, and tape to attach it to our Thankfulness Tree.
I showed Evan how to use the stamp and let him decorate his paper as he desired. Because the stamping did not take too much concentration, I used this time to review the lesson from today.
I also asked him repeatedly what letter he was stamping, and what did it stand for? (T is for Thanksgiving). Then we did the verse a few times, complete with motions (which I explain on Day 1).
While Evan stamped away, I thought it would be cute if I spelled out "family" with stamps on today's leaf.
Isn't that cute? Make a note, however, that if your two-year-old sees you using other stamps, he thinks he should also be allowed to use other stamps. Clearly, I learned the hard way (a small meltdown ensued).
As the last part of our day, we taped our leaf to our Thankfulness Tree.
I pointed to yesterday's leaf and reminded Evan that we are thankful that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ. Then we reviewed today's theme one last time. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition! Sometimes I drive myself crazy, but it works!
What songs/phrases/books do you repeat (and repeat, and repeat) with your kids?

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