Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Creation, Day 6

Day 6 of Creation has to be the easiest day to teach. There are too many good options and ideas for crafts, activities, songs, and creative play. But, as is my style, I chose a fairly simple route.

Scripture: Genesis 1:24-31
Memory: "In the beginning, God created"
Prayer: "Thank you God, for making man and animals. And thank you for your word".
Song: "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"
Craft: Lion's Head
Activity: Animal Names & Sounds
Number: 6 (Day 6 of creation)

Yesterday, I was surprised and delighted when on his own, Evan burst out with "God made the stars". He is retaining what we are learning! Fueled with this encouragement, I spent time reviewing Days 1-5 before we plunged into today's passage of scripture. 

We prayed for a moment, with Evan repeating phrases after me. This is a great way to improve your child's speech. Begin with a prayer that is as long as the normal words/phrases your child speaks. Slowly add more words each day to stretch their memory and ability to repeat more after you. I am seeing this carry over into Evan's regular speech. He now uses longer sentences when talking to us. When we first started Day 1, I had to say the verse to Evan in two sections (as separated by the comma). Now, with prompting, Evan can say all five words together! 

Have you seen either of these lists: 31 Ways To Pray For Your Children & Husband? I have a printed copy of both of these lists folded in my Bible to pray each morning. I decided to add these requests to Evan's daily prayer. Each day, according to the date, I pray that number's request (i.e. today is the 30th so I prayed #30 on both lists).

I was able to sing another song today thanks to God making man; we did "Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes" with the motions. Reese even participated today (since she refused her nap). Then we did animal names and sounds for a few minutes. Some of Evan's favorites are: kitty, bear, bird, and ... lion.

Supplies: I've seen this craft done with a paper plate (how do I not have paper plates in the house?) but I used construction paper instead. I traced a large orange circle,  medium yellow circle, two small white circles, and two black dots which are for the mane, face, eyes, and pupils. Oh, and a little black triangle for the nose. 

Step 1: Glue the yellow face and stick it to the mane:

Step 2: Glue eyes

Step 3: Add nose

Step 4: Use scissors to make the mane look like hair (make sure you do this by holding your toddlers hands over the scissors so there are no accidents)

We just snipped all the way around the made and lastly I bent the ends up a little to made it look better.

And there is the finished product! Complete with drawn on mouth and whiskers. As I mentioned at the beginning, there are so many crafts and activities to make for this day- I recommend choosing one featuring your child's favorite animal as I did. 

Tomorrow we finish the days of Creation and I unveil our next theme study. But first, any ideas for a craft or activity related to Day 7 of creation?

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