2 Timothy 2:15
New American Standard Bible (NASB)Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
I have found that doing Bible Study in the morning is the
best way for me to study. Before I was certain of this, I often planned to study during
the kids’ naps or just before bed, when I was (supposedly) more alert. No one
would ever mistake me for a morning person! But let me tell you, giving God the
first and best time of my day means studying in the morning. And since many of
us work, are wives, or are mothers (or a combination of any of the three) this often requires
us to study before our household wakes up, or risk not spending time with God
at all!
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. Mark 1:35
Instead of getting up to our families we should
get up for our families**. This means waking before the house stirs and
spending quality time with God through studying His word. I cannot describe how
delightful my days are now that I get up before my kids and spend time in study
and prayer. My previous routine was to sleep until I heard my kids wake, and then groggily stumble to get them. I was still half-asleep and often my temper would flare
at the smallest and silliest of things. I would try to quickly throw together
some sort of breakfast (usually less than healthy) just to get them quiet, and then
I would sit and get on Facebook to “wake up”. Instead of kindly parenting and
loving my kids, I would handle situations badly for a few hours until I
was more alert (and my coffee had kicked in). But this was my old life.
Now, by
the grace of God, I get up before my kids do. I prayed, and then chose to obey
the desire, to get up before them; and I am now alert after a few minutes,
even though I am getting up early (remember- I am “not a morning person”). Now,
when I've finished my Bible study, I can take the time to make my kids a hearty
breakfast; when I hear them stirring, I eagerly go to them with a genuine smile
on my face. I know that my glad smile and warm greeting set the tone for our
day. My joy is focused in the Lord, and my day often unfolds more peacefully. I
can now attest to my desire to get up and study the word; when my alarm goes
off I am even eager to get downstairs, make my coffee, and study my Bible!
As I mentioned, many books and blogs encouraged me towards a consistent time to study my Bible. I want to mention just a couple right now (and maybe in a later post I can talk about more influences). I am not being paid to mention any of these books or websites. I simply wish to pass on the things that helped me in hopes that they may inspire you as well.

Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman. Don't be fooled by the "Large Family" part of the title, my own little family is only a Daddy, Mommy, 2 1/2 years old boy, and 14 months old girl. There are several chapters that mention the importance of having a daily Bible study time and include tips on how to manage it with a busy household/life.

I am so excited for the work God is doing in you! It is such a joy to read your blogs and see your growth and testimony to Christ alive in you!